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‘Weapons of Math Destruction’ with Cathy O’Neil

Cathy O’Neil is founder of algorithmic consulting company ORCAA and author of New York Times Bestseller ‘Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy’. At the IoAI we seek out expert perspectives and insights into questions at the cutting edge of AI policy. The views of these experts do not necessarily reflect the Institute’s own position.

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Legislator Roundtable: COVID-19 Mobile Tracing Apps

At the Institute of AI we were pleased to host our first roundtable discussions on 21st and 22nd May 2020, bringing together legislators from around the world to discuss AI and COVID-19 mobile tracing apps. Hearing their perspectives was invaluable.

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OECD.AI Launch in Paris

Institute founder, Darren Jones MP, joined legislators from across the world in Paris this week to take part in the inaugural meeting of the Global Parliamentary Network working group on Artificial Intelligence.

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Institute of AI in China

Institute Director and Counsel, Emma Wright, was pleased to join the Sino-European technology conference in China this week to discuss global trends in Artificial Intelligence regulation.

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